Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Malaysian & Accident (2)

Let us continue our discussion about what actually attracts Malaysian to stop at every accident scene. I think the best way to solve the mystery would be to know the type of people who were there. i have categorised them as below;

1. The good-hearted-civilian

These people are really the one that are genuinely concern about the victim, he stops to help, normally they are the one who will call the police & ambulance.

2. The KPC (Ke-poh-ci)

These people are there just want to know what is happening. They are very curious about everything. Once there was a crowd, he will be there and will interview every one that was there. They are the one who will let everyone they know about the accident.

3. The Judi-kaki

These type of people will be there for one thing and one thing only, the vehicles number, they are the punters. Don't look down on these people, they really analyse the whole accident, sometimes better than the police. Among the information they need to know; what time the accident happened, how many victims, the car got spinned or not...etc. For instance, for a vehicle with registration number '1234', if it turned turtle, he will buy 4321! if it hits directly, he will buy '1234', you got the idea?

4. The Got-nothing-to-do

These guys really got nothing to do, he will stop at every accident. He wont ask many questions but will just stand there and watch. For what you asked? I dont have a clue, he just like to be there!

5. The Broadcaster

Normally there are only 2 or 3 of them, they are the most hardwoking type, they will ask for as many details and will disseminate to everyone who care to listen. He will talk and talk and talk until he is tired or you are tired.

So now we have a clearer picture of the crowd but i dont think we solve the mystery conclusively though. I think the only and best answer would be " We are unique, we are Malaysian"! Thats the way we are!

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