Monday, February 9, 2009

Land Of Sub Sub!

Once upon of time, there were 5 merchants who went to a faraway land called Bolehland to do business. The 5 brought with them a ship load of money...enough to build 100 bridges back in their homeland. The 5 went to meet a Bolehland top businessman and told him of their intention to invest in Bolehland.
"I represent everyone in Bolehland welcomes you my friends to do business in my beloved country! Anyway before you could do any business here, you need to know that the money you brougth would not be enough to build all the 30 bridges our country has planned! "
"...but the money is more than enough to build 100 bridges back in our country!"
"Shhh......dont so loud, you are lucky you were talking to me, if other people, they will ask you to go back to where ever you came from if you asked such question"
"We in Bolehland has this 'Subsub Culture'"
" Huh?"
"Basically when there is a project, we share!"
" I see, thats good but i dont see why the amount of money which is enough to build 100 bridges back in my homeland can only build 30 bridges here when you share?"
" all are really lucky you came to me. Since you brought me 20 camels & 20 sheeps just now, i share with you more about Subsub Culture....listen carefully...when i got a project say worth 1000 gold bar (GB), i need to sub it to another company, B since i dont know how to build anything, say for 700 GB then B will sub it to C for 500Gb and then sub it again for 300GB...and it goes got the picture"
" Wow...thats great...then we go just engage the one who quote the lowest price and build the bridge...but...why you said that the money we brought will not be enough to build 100 bridges???"
"Friend, you did not listen cannot go to the tail without going through the head!"
"You mean i still need to pay 1000 GB eventhough i can get it built with 300GB????"
" are a quick learner!"
"I still dont understand on why you will get the project when you dont even know how to build anything and yet you can still charge the highest?"
"Hahaha....its not what you know, its about who you know!"
"I see....i see......Thanks for the information but we decided to go home."
"We have learned from you, we will go home and spread this Subsub Culture and we will be the 'head' like you, who does nothing, spend nothing but make more money than the ones who did something!"
"Woi...woi.........dont run away......if you dont invest here, how can i continue to be the 'head'?...woi...woi..."
[Confusion over order] - thestar 6/2/09, Pg N22
".........which subcontracted out the project to another company...subcontracted to.............."

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