Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Promise,promise and promise......

It has been the most hectic CNY preparation i ever had, it is really taxing...not just to the pocket but mentally as well.

My sofa was supposed to arrived this morning but 2 days ago the company called and said it will be delayed to 23 January 2009. I was really pissed off.......i am the type of person who hold you to your words. When you dont keep your words, you dont deserve any respect from me because you did not respect me in the first place. Whats the difference between a person who lied with a person who doesn't keep their words? If there is any difference........i cant see it.
I asked the sales representative countless times whether they can deliver before CNY, she said not to worry, any delivery will be before 21-1-09....the latest!!!! Are you sure??? Yes,....confirm, 100% sure.
Then they called and told me they were sorry they cant deliver because the lorry was full.........hello!!!! How it became my problem??? Why you didnt put my sofa up on the lorry first???
The other girl said "...Ohhh....its CNY lah......" just knew its CNY???? Didnt you know CNY on 26-1-09 when you promised me?????
Then 1 more said ..."oh, your sofa has arrived in HQ but the lorry was not there...."
Sensing that they are getting more desperate by giving all those ridiculous excuses, i asked what are they going to do?"
"Sir, no point for us to promise you on 21/1/09 if we cant deliver it!"
Thats exactly my point, why in the world you promised me in the first place if you cant deliver??? Now you told me!!!! Pardon my language!
Anyway i managed to keep my cool throughout the conversation, i think i didnt raised my voice except towards a smart aleck who gave the lorry excuse!!!!!!
To cut the story short....they promised me to deliver it on 22/1/09 between 10-11 am. I am keeping my fingers crossed...............for my sake and theirs too!

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