Yesterday my fren asked, whylah the Thais did that? Wouldn't it bad for their economy???? It seems that in Thailand almost all households has at least 1 member who is involve in tourism why they did what they did???? Thats was the BIG question played in his head!!
Frankly speaking.......i have no idea but every one has their reason....has their own thought .....and is free to do what ever they want to do. Besides isnt that what mankind has been fighting for.....gone to war for......died for....FREEDOM!!!! Its kind of irony too......because of FREEDOM, many lost theirs when the 2 airports were closed. They lost the freedom to travel, lost the freedom to be with their love ones, lost the freedom to do what they want to do....all because someone exercised their to do anything....... FREEDOM.
So i think now the bigger question now is : Do you want the FREEDOM that one day will cause u to lose yours????
Complicated isn't it????
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